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Blog & News

ORC Double-handed European Champion 2023 !

juin 21st, 2023 Uncategorized

Congratulations to Rasmus Rosengren and Jörgen Rosengren on their J/105 Rose of Sweden for their performance at the ORC Double-handed European Championship 2023 !

They tell us about their race:

The ORC Double handed Europeans 2023 was a mix of Offshore and Inshore racing. The start was in Helsingør and then heading north, offshore, out in Kattegat with the rounding of the island of Anholt.

The second part was Inshore, around Sealand, with tricky sounds, current and changing wind directions. Add passing weather systems and the 290 NM race that started Wednesday, June 14 th, was quite demanding. During the 2.5 days of racing we felt our sail wardrobe was well suited to the changing wind conditions from 0 to +40 knots, and every wind direction. It consisted of a jib, genoa 1, code 0, A2 and A3. All together this made high demands on us, the sailors, to constantly work with tactics, navigation and sail trim.

Later at the after sails it was really nice to hear our competitors’ evaluations of our sailing: « They were so fast – we were doing 6.4 knots and when I looked at Rose they were doing 6.6 knots! »

Photo credit: Rasmus Rosengren and Jörgen Rosengren

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